BlazeMeter vs LoadRunner

January 20, 2022

BlazeMeter vs LoadRunner

As software development becomes more complex, it's essential to have a robust and reliable Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) infrastructure. CI/CD tools are critical to streamline the software delivery process, enabling software developers to release high-quality software on time. BlazeMeter and LoadRunner are two market-leading CI/CD tools that have become synonymous with robustness and reliability when integrated with CI/CD infrastructure. In this blog post, we'll compare BlazeMeter and LoadRunner to help you understand their respective strengths and weaknesses.


BlazeMeter is a web-based load testing platform and a cloud computing service provider. It is an Apache JMeter compatible tool that enables teams to simulate high-levels of user traffic to web applications, APIs, and websites. The BlazeMeter platform is designed to ease the pressure off of developers by providing comprehensive and secure testing with robust reporting functionalities. It measures trends and analyzes the performance of applications, making it an ideal tool for Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery.

What's good about BlazeMeter?

  • User Friendly: BlazeMeter is designed for continuous integration and testing. It's well documented, and users can easily set up a test within minutes.
  • Cost-effective: BlazeMeter is cost-effective, making it an ideal CI/CD tool for startups and smaller companies.
  • Integrations: BlazeMeter can be integrated with more than 40 different tools that include Jenkins, Travis CI, and GitLab.
  • Smart Analytics: BlazeMeter provides various testing reports that include timeline analysis, user behavior, and performance tracking.

What's bad about BlazeMeter?

  • Limited protocols: BlazeMeter only supports HTTP, HTTPS, and JMS protocols, which can be limiting for some projects.
  • Limited CI integration: The integration with some CI tools such as Microsoft Azure DevOps, might not be as well supported as other CI/CD tools, limiting its usage.


LoadRunner is an industry-leading performance testing tool, perfect for measuring the performance and scalability of web and mobile applications, including API's. Key features include load testing, stress testing, and performance testing. LoadRunner simulates user traffic in real-world scenarios to identify potential bottlenecks and issues that can occur under load.

What's good about LoadRunner?

  • Wide Range of Protocols: LoadRunner supports almost all common protocols across web, mobile, and desktop applications, making it versatile.
  • Integration with CI/CD Tools: LoadRunner integrates well with multiple Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery tools such as Jenkins, GitLab, and Microsoft Azure DevOps.
  • Comprehensive Analysis: LoadRunner provides comprehensive reporting and analysis of performance testing results.

What's bad about LoadRunner?

  • Learning Curve: Compared to BlazeMeter, LoadRunner has a steeper learning curve because of its technical complexity.
  • Cost: LoadRunner is a more expensive option, which might not be ideal for smaller companies.


BlazeMeter and LoadRunner are two powerful CI/CD tools that perform similarly, but there are some crucial differences. BlazeMeter is an excellent option for organizations that need a cost-effective and user-friendly load testing tool but where specific protocol support is not critical. LoadRunner, on the other hand, is ideal for organizations requiring a wide range of protocol support and seamless integration with their existing CI/CD infrastructure. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide which tool fits your organization's needs and budget.


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